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10 Ways to Improve Your Focus & Concentration

In Partnership with Vault Health

Pay attention, folks, because learning how to improve focus and concentration will require focus and concentration. Joking aside, it’s more important than ever to retain mental acuity in these times of constant distraction. That’s not to mention the effect of things such as lockdowns, vices, ageing, and other inhibitors, which can occasionally lead to graver conditions like memory loss and even dementia. Yikes.

It’s therefore quite important that you figure out how to improve focus and concentration and sooner than later. Enter the following pointers, each of which is designed to give that brain a boost or at the very least prevent it from slowing down. Consequently, you’ll also improve your energy and give yourself a competitive edge in the workplace and everyday life. But first: what’s the difference between focus and concentration, anyway?

Focus vs Concentration – What’s the Difference?

While both focus and concentration are necessary for processing information, they’re not exactly the same thing. The art of focus generally involves honing your attention toward finite points of interest while mentally discarding superfluous data or stimuli. Concentration, meanwhile, refers to your ability to sustain that interest for an extended period of time.

It’s for this reason that someone might tell you to “focus” on a subject and then “concentrate.” One could also say that “concentration” is your ability to remain “focussed.” You get the point…or did we lose your concentration?

Tips for Improving Your Focus & Concentration

Still with us? Good. That means you’re already learning how to improve focus and concentration (i.e. by reading). Here are more ways to sharpen that noggin and keep it sharpened.

1. Play Brain Games

Training your brain doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, it can be a pleasure. Crossword puzzles. Sudoku. Chess. Memory games. Jigsaw puzzles. Not only are these activities fun and challenging, but they also work your brain like a muscle. Heck, even doodling for 20 minutes can help with focus and concentration.

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2. Meditate

It’s the latest mental health craze, but guess what? According to a number of studies, meditation also yields results. Find the mantra and technique that works for you and bring out your inner yogi, one session at a time. Not only can this practice help you retain focus and concentration, but it may even reduce stress levels and boost productivity.

Esquared Fitness app strength training

3. Exercise

Yes, you should treat your brain like a muscle, but you should also treat your muscles like a muscle. You follow? Yes? No? What we’re trying to say is that you should maintain a regular fitness regimen, which can increase energy levels, improve sleep, reduce stress, and more. Respectively or collectively, these factors will have a positive effect on focus, concentration, and memory.

Your workout doesn’t have to be too intense, but it does have to be fairly consistent. Even a half-hour power walk can arguably suffice if you do it on a regular basis.

Shelter Desk for the organised side view

4. Organise Your Area

When your desktop or office space is cluttered, so too is your brain. Organise your area and it’ll improve your ability to focus and concentrate. Don’t believe us? Try it and see.

5. Prevent Distractions

The best way to avoid distractions throughout the day is to make it harder for those distractions to reach you in the first place. That means creating a relatively secluded environment where you can focus on the tasks at hand.

We’re not just talking about physical space, either. Put your phone on silent. Block your access to social media. Don’t leave a TV on in the background. This is how to improve focus and concentration.

video games

6. Video Games

Here’s one that might be too good to be true (or at the very least deserves a few asterisks). Some research suggests that playing video games such as RPGs can, in fact, improve things like attention span and visuospatial skills.

Other studies are far more pessimistic about the effects of certain video games, citing memory loss and neuropsychiatric illnesses like depression. Then we have modern-day conditions such as “Internet gaming disorder,” which can offset your neurological sense of reward.

Suffice it to say, further research is needed before one can draw any real conclusions. In the meantime, try to play video games that challenge your mental skills and remember to take the occasional break.

Man sleeping

7. Sleep Better

Here’s something no reasonable human being would argue with: better sleep. Pleasurable in and of itself, 7-8 hours of sleep per night is also good for your brain.

If you’re struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep, consider reading a book or taking a bath before going to bed. At the same time, you should avoid sources of potential stimulation.

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8. Improve Your Diet

A healthy diet cultivates a healthy body and a healthy body cultivates a healthy mind. There are also potential “brain foods” you can eat such as fatty fish, leafy greens, berries, and walnuts, to name a few. While you’re at it, consider drinking green tea, which has been associated with improved cognitive function and reduced stress levels.

9. Read a Book

They say that no one reads anymore and that our attention spans are shot, inferring a correlation. Buck the trend by picking up a book every now and then. You might even enjoy it.

Brain boost supplements SEMAX nasal spray and pill bottle to improve focus and concentration against a blue background.

10. Use Vault Health’s Brain Kit

Sometimes you can use a boost of the tangible variety and that’s exactly where Vault’s Brain Kit comes in. As you may or may not be aware, Vault Health puts you in contact with a medical professional via telehealth portal. Should you qualify for one of the company’s signature treatment plans, it’s shipped straight to your door in a discreet manner. Support is ongoing and always within reach and every treatment is backed by extensive research.

At the heart of Vault’s Brain Kit is a crucial peptide by the name of semax. It works by boosting the production of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) and vicariously increasing brain cell production. Aimed to help with focus and concentration, semax has also been known to help ward off cognitive decline, dementia, or the symptoms associated with traumatic brain injury.

In addition to semax, the Vault Health Brain Boost Formula is an all-natural combination of herbs and an amino acids that includes:

  • Ashwagandha 200 mg – An adaptogen that helps mood, sleep, memory and even can help sperm counts and quality.
  • Rhodiola 300 mg – Another adaptogenic herb shown to help reduce symptoms of anxiety and improve mood.
  • Relora 300 mg – A powerful extract of Magnolia bark that helps reduce elevated cortisol and improve mood.
  • Schisandra 200 mg – A berry that helps focus and concentration and lowers cortisol.
  • L-theanine 100 mg – Found naturally in green tea, this amino acid increases GABA, the relaxing neurotransmitter.

To qualify for Vault’s Brain Kit, you’ll need to consult with one of the brand’s medical professionals through the telehealth portal. The professional will take various factors into consideration, including your medical history and any other medications you might be taking.

Should you qualify, the treatment will be shipped to your door in a convenient and discreet manner. Semax takes the form of a nasal spray and you should spray it once in each nostril every day. The Brain Boost natural supplement is a capsule and you should take it twice daily. Expect to see results after 3-4 weeks of use. Here’s to a better brain.

Check out Vault Health’s Brain Kit

All content and media on the Man of Many website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.

General FAQ

Are focus and concentration the same thing?

While similar, focus and concentration don't mean the exact same thing. Focus involves honing your attention toward a finite point of interest, while concentration refers to your ability to sustain interest for an extended period of time.

How can I increase my concentration and focus?

There are a number of ways to improve concentration and focus, including brain games, better sleep, exercise, and supplements.

Why is focus and concentration important?

Focus and concentration are both fundamental to certain cognitive functions such as the processing and application of information.