Lockdown 1

Everything You Can Do Once NSW Hits 80% Vaccinated

Nick Hall
By Nick Hall - News

Published: Last Updated: 

Readtime: 4 min

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Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on 29 September 2021. Please note that the content, including assessments of COVID-19 risk levels associated with various activities, reflects the understanding and public health guidelines available at the time. Given the evolving nature of the pandemic, some information might be outdated. We recommend consulting the latest health advisories and guidelines for current information.

The NSW Government has outlined our new ‘Roadmap to Freedom’, detailing the pathway out of lockdown and the transition to normality. For most New South Wales residents, the 80 per cent double dose figure has been the golden number that is set to unlock the state and see familiar activities back on the cards. But just what can you do once NSW hits 80 per cent vaccinated?

New sydney restrictions

The Roadmap to Freedom

In mid-September 2021, NSW Premier Gladys Berejilkian unveiled a three-stage roadmap that promised to provide new freedoms in line with vaccination targets. Under the current trajectory, the state is expected to reach the 80 per cent double-dose vaccination milestone before the end of October 2021. The figure had originally been slated as 70 per cent, however, Premier Berejiklian revised the target.

What You Can Do

As outlined in the Roadmap to Freedom, some activities that have previously been out of reach will be allowed once NSW hits 80 per cent fully vaccinated. At this stage, fully vaccinated residents will be able to travel anywhere freely in New South Wales and stand up and drink at a pub. Unvaccinated people will be able to attend places of worship and some other activities. Here is what you can do in NSW once the 80 per cent fully vaccinated milestone is achieved:

ActivityAt 80%From December 1
TravelUnrestricted trips between Greater Sydney and Regional NSWDomestic travel, altered quarantine setting for international arrivals
VisitorsUp to 10 people in a home (excluding children <12)No limit
GatheringsUp to 20 people in outdoor settingsNo limit
MasksMandatory for all indoor premises and settingsOn public transport, on planes and at airports, for front-of-house hospitality workers
EventsUp to 200 people at COVIDSafe events, up to 500 people at controlled, ticketed eventsCOVID Safe plan required for outdoor events with more than 1,000 people
Community SportPermittedPermitted
RetailOne person per 4 sqm. (Non-vaccinated people can access non-critical retail via click-and-collect only)One person per 2 sqm
Personal ServicesOne person per 4 sqmOne person per 2 sqm
HospitalityOne person per 4 sqm inside and one person per 2 sqm outside, seated consumption, up to 20 people per bookingOne person per 2 sqm
Gyms & Indoor RecreationOne person per 4 sqm, capped at 20 people per classOne person per 2 sqm
Major Outdoor RecreationOne person per 4 sqm, capped at 5000 peopleOne person per 2 sqm
EntertainmentOne person per 4 sqm or 75 per cent fixed seated capacity (whichever is larger)One person per 2 sqm
NightclubsClosedOne person per 4 sqm
WeddingsOne person per 4sqm (uncapped) with dancing permitted and eating and drinking allowed while standingOne person per 2 sqm
FuneralsOne person per 4sqm (uncapped)One person per 2 sqm
Scroll horizontally to view full table

When Will the Restrictions Be Lifted?

As outlined by the NSW Premier, certain restrictions will be lifted once the state hits the 80 per cent double dose vaccination target. The state is expected to reach the 70 per cent double dose mark on October 11, 2021, with Premier Berejiklian announcing she expects the 80 per cent mark to be reached around October 24, 2021. At that point, authorities will announce the new freedoms will be enacted, expected to arrive on the Monday following the 80 per cent target. Four or five weeks after the 80 per cent mark is hit, Ms Berejiklian expects NSW will reach 90 per cent double dose.

Further to that, the NSW Government has also revealed that as of December 1, 2021, additional freedoms will be granted. These will include all venues moving to the two-square-metre rule, indoor pools and nightclubs reopening and masks no longer required indoors at offices. Most importantly, unvaccinated people will have greater freedoms at this mark.

“If you are not vaccinated you will have to wait at least four or five weeks after we’ve already hit the 80 per cent double dose rate in order to participate in things that the rest of us can participate in,” Premier Berejiklian said in a statement.

What About Non-Vaccinated People?

As stipulated in the Roadmap to Freedom, unvaccinated people in NSW are set to receive the same freedoms that vaccinated people will, albeit a little later. From December 1, 2021, unvaccinated people will be able to do the following activities in NSW:

  • Go to the pub or a restaurant
  • Travel within NSW
  • Visit their family – There will be no limit on the number of people allowed in a home.
Nick Hall


Nick Hall

Nick Hall is an award-winning journalist and the current Editor-in-Chief of Man of Many. With an extensive background in the media industry, he specialises in feature writing, lifestyle and entertainment content. Nick is a former Mumbrella Publish Awards ‘Editor of ...