Corrections & Updates Policy

At Man of Many, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable content to our readers. However, we understand that mistakes can happen. When they do, we uphold our journalistic integrity by correcting errors in a timely and transparent manner.

Adding Corrections

If we discover a factual error in one of our articles, we will correct and acknowledge it as soon as possible. Corrections will be added at the beginning or end of the article, clearly marked as an update.

Updating Story Threads

In addition to correcting errors, we believe it is important to update our content when new information becomes available. For example, when we post news or a feature, we may update related or evergreen content with links to the new post, so readers can always get the full picture no matter which of our articles on the subject they land on. Updating text for clarity, style or spelling does not require acknowledgement. When a story has advanced significantly within a week of publication, an update may be added.

Contact Us

If you notice an error in our content, or if you have a request for an update, please contact us at [email protected]. We take our responsibility as a trusted source of information seriously and will do our best to address your concerns in a timely and effective manner.

Thank you for your trust in Man of Many as a reliable source of information.

Read all of our Editorial Policies & Standards here.