House of Hazelwood, a renowned Scottish family of distillers, is finally bringing its rare collection of aged Scotch whiskies to Australia. The much-loved collection was hand-picked from the once-private collection of the Gordon family, featuring unique provenance and a highly limited (and sought-after) supply. These diverse whiskies, spanning seven decades and every corner of Scotland, have been received with critical acclaim by leading Scotch experts, and now you can get your hands on them too!
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Unlike most drinks releases we cover on Man of Many, the House of Hazelwood, named after the family’s Dufftown home, Hazelwood House, goes back almost one hundred years to a time when a renowned Scottish family of distillers, the Gordons, would produce these unique blends for special occasions and personal consumption.
“These are tremendous whiskies – greatly aged, complex, outstanding on the palate. However, what really sets them apart are the stories behind them,” said Charles Maclean MBE, upon his first sample of the collection. Known affectionately as ‘Charlie,’ he is considered a world authority on all things whisky.
“Every bottle is an invitation into the Gordon family’s ways of working – a very personal connection to a different era, a different mindset. We should be in no doubt that these whiskies are heirlooms, and none more so than the 1963 release A Singular Blend. To see a whisky of such provenance available to purchase is a remarkable thing – and for those lucky enough to try it, the liquid character is breath-taking.”
The House of Hazelwood stockpile is stored in various carefully selected warehouses throughout Scotland, with new stock being laid down each year. A small supply is maintained in traditional dunnage warehousing near Dufftown in Speyside before bottling, where the whiskies are carefully monitored and sampled before release.
A release that comes after much success from its UK launch says House of Hazelwood marketing director Jonathan Gibson. Sharing his central philosophy to producing a collection of whisky he describes as “truly unmatched,” Jonathan says “that the maturing stock is ready when it’s ready.
“The whiskies carried within the collection are unique and irreplaceable– single snapshots in the long history of Scotch whisky.”
From the first drop of whisky to come off the stills at the Girvan grain distillery on the South Ayrshire coast to the last drops distilled at some of Scotland’s now-silent distilleries, this is a collection of individual spirits representing unique casks and the trials of whisky over centuries; combinations that may never be seen again.
One unique whisky from the inventory is the USD$2,200 37 Year-Old Blended Grain, A Breath of Fresh Air, which was awarded the Editor’s Choice by Whisky Magazine following a blind tasting with Christopher Coates, editor-in-chief, scoring it 9.1 and describing it as “everything one could want from a really, really old whisky. Superb.”
Take your chance to own a piece of whisky history. Available exclusively on the House of Hazelwood website, the collection is divided into eight Charles Gordon Collection releases (suggested retail prices ranging from AUD$4,978 / 70c) and eight Legacy Collection releases (with recommended retail prices ranging from AUD$1,577 to $3,163).