Aiir fitness modular travel workout gear 3

AIIR Fitness Flow Gives You a Chest Workout Wherever You Are

Mr Mark Jessen
By Mr Mark Jessen - News

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Readtime: 2 min

Whether it’s because you don’t have the room to spare for all the fitness equipment that the market is currently peddling, or it’s because you travel a lot and you can’t take all that gear with you, getting a workout in can be challenging. AIIR’s philosophy is to provide the bare minimum of equipment that you need to “maintain peak performance anywhere.”

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Aiir fitness modular travel workout gear 2
The Pick Flow system lets you get in a chest and arm work out, all with just a set of ergonomic push-up bars. The push-up bars are made from carbon steel, so they’re extra durable and more than strong enough to stand up to the work out you’ll be putting them through. The bars are easy to set up and even more easy to store—the supports actually fold into the handle, making the whole system that much more compact. In fact, chances are your toiletry bag is larger than the Flow system, and you’ll get even more long-term benefit from the push-up bars than you would from anything you have in your toiletry bag.

Speaking of benefits, the Flow system lets you get a full chest and arm work out in wherever you are. The inline, elevated design helps to support proper posture and motion, keeping you safe and helping to prevent injury. Everyone from the person just starting out in exercising to the professional who’s been at it for years will find benefit from this ergonomic, compact design.

Aiir fitness modular travel workout gear 1
The program depends on bodyweight exercises, which have been shown to help maintain tone and flexibility will also building natural-looking muscle. And because it’s so lightweight and compact, you’ll have no problem taking it with you on your next business or vacation trip. There’s currently a waitlist for the AIIR Flow Chest and Arm Workout system, but when it comes available, you can expect to pay $120, so get on the waitlist now and get ready for your best work out yet.

Check it out

Aiir fitness modular travel workout gear

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Mr Mark Jessen


Mr Mark Jessen

Mark Jessen studied English at Brigham Young University, completing a double emphasis in creative writing and professional writing/editing. After graduating, Mark went to work for a small publisher as their book editor. After a brief time as a freelance writer, ...