Best of december 2023

Editor’s Letter: Man of Many December 2023

Nick Hall
By Nick Hall - Opinion


Readtime: 3 min

Truth be told, I’ve always thought those end-of-year wrap-ups were a little contrived. Make no mistake, I’m all for a little shameless self-promotion (here’s my Insta btw), but they always felt a little too ‘LinkedIn update’ for me. So imagine my surprise when I sat down to pen an Editor’s Letter for December 2023, the final month in what has been an incredible, albeit exhausting, year, only to find myself oddly sentimental. 

That’s right, after four years at the helm of Man of Many, I’ve gone soft and it’s all your fault. Allow me to explain. 

Looking back at the year that was, it’s nigh-on impossible to pinpoint one true highlight, but there are some worthy contenders. In April, we officially celebrated 10 years of Man of Many, kicking off with a monster party on Sydney Harbour surrounded by some of our closest friends and family. From there, the hits kept coming.

From hosting an unforgettable 10-day whisky extravaganza to charting the all-encompassing Man of Many 100, this year we aimed outside the written word. We stepped into the ring with Richard Branson, rubbed shoulders with Tom Cruise and made Margot Robbie giggle (life goal achieved). And what’s more, it paid off. Not to toot our own horn, but 2023 saw us nab Best Media Platform at the B&T Awards, alongside Website of the Year at the Mumbrella Publish Awards.

But for all our successes across the year, one simple fact remains; we could never have achieved any of this without your support. To us, our community of readers, followers and friends is at the heart of everything we do and I’d just like to take a moment to say ‘thanks’. 

As I sit facing a seemingly insurmountable number of tasks I foolishly left for 2024, I am filled with the same sense of wonder that initially led me to this industry. Daunting though it may be, the future is wide open and 2024 is already shaping up to be one of our most exciting yet. There are bold new projects on the horizon, new ventures into mixed media platforms and more opportunities to get out and about on the way, and you can be certain of one thing – You’ll be there every step of the way.

Happy holidays from the Man of Many team. Bring on 2024.

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Editor-in-Chief, Man of Many

Nick Hall


Nick Hall

Nick Hall is an award-winning journalist and the current Editor-in-Chief of Man of Many. With an extensive background in the media industry, he specialises in feature writing, lifestyle and entertainment content. Nick is a former Mumbrella Publish Awards ‘Editor of ...