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Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson in the CBS television series ‘How I Met Your Mother’

75 Funny Tinder Pick-Up Lines for Guys

How much does a polar bear weigh? We’re not really sure, but we bet it pales in comparison to the crushing weight of dying alone. Not to get morbid, but in this day and age, if you aren’t nailing your swipe game, there’s a very real risk you might find out what that feels like. Dating sites and apps are no longer just something lonely people use, nowadays, you’d be hard-pressed to find a single (or married for that matter) person who isn’t on Tinder. The key to nailing online dating begins with the first impression and here in the modern age, that means nailing the best Tinder pickup line you can think of.

RELATED: These are the best tinger bio hacks for guys right now.

Jim Carrey as Carl Allen holding a Nokia 6300 mobile phone in the movie ‘Yes Man’
Jim Carrey as Carl Allen in ‘Yes Man’ | Image: Warner Bros. Entertainment

Best Tinder Pick-Up Lines for Guys

The list of the best Tinder pickup lines is a varied one. With a healthy dose of cheesy pick up lines, a few sneaky puns and a couple of overt approaches, you’re sure to find whatever you’re looking for here. Beyond this, it’s up to you to close, though. Don’t complain to us if you can’t seal the deal.

Here is a list of the best Tinder pickup lines for men.

  1. I woke up thinking today was just another boring Monday, and then I saw your photo on my app.
  2. Do you mind if I walk you home? My mother always told me to follow my dreams.
  3. What’s a perfect gentleman like myself doing without your phone number?
  4. On a lazy Sunday: Netflix all day, getting lost in a museum, or cuddling with me?
  5. Are you my appendix? Because this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out.
  6. Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re CuTe
  7. If we were at home, cuddling on a rainy Sunday morning, what would we have for breakfast? a) Pancakes b) bacon and eggs c) crèpes d) acai bowl e) something else?
  8. Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?
  9. Damn, you have a dog! Does that mean I’ll never win the “best ever cuddler” title?
  10. Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you — drinks this week?
  11. I’d tell you you’re cute, but someone else probably did that already, so you describe yourself in three emojis instead!
  12. If you could be any comic book character, who would you be?
  13. If you were a triangle you’d be acute one.
  14. Dinner first, or can we go straight for dessert?
  15. I’d say you’re the bomb, but that could turn into lethal conversation…
  16. Are we, like, married now?
  17. On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re a 9 and I’m the 1 you need.
  18. Hey gorgeous, will you be my Tinderella?
  19. Excuse me, do you have a band-aid? Cause I scraped my knee falling for you.
  20. Are you the square root of 1? Because you seriously can’t be real!
  21. Hello* pretends to be a waiter* – Here’s your icebreaker garnished with awkwardness.
  22. Favourite meal: Thai, Italian or French?
  23. We matched! Does that mean you’re coming over to my place tonight, or should we meet and establish we aren’t serial killers or living with our parents first?
  24. You’re so gorgeous that you made me forget my good pickup line.
  25. What’s your definition of a good weekend?
  26. If you’re as good at cuddling as you’re good looking, I’m signing myself up on the waitlist for a date.
  27. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.
  28. Titanic. That’s my icebreaker. What’s up?
  29. If you could be anywhere in the world, doing anything you like right now, where would you be and what would you do?
  30. You’re sweeter than 3.14. Tell me I just won the cheesy pickup line competition?
  31. Send me your favorite GIF so I get to know you better?
  32. A three-day weekend is coming up. Are you a) heading for the mountains b) going to the beach c) sleeping till noon d) partying all night?
  33. Favorite drink?
  34. Are you a bank loan? Because you have my interest.
  35. This is how I’d describe you in three emojis Now you describe yourself in three emojis.
  36. Top three best things to do on a Saturday?
  37. Not much of a bio, you mind if I lightening round you a couple questions
  38. If beauty were time, you’d be eternity
  39. Do you have a personality as attractive as your eyes?So, are you the kind I’d find climbing mountains and acing the diamond slopes, or chilling on the beach with a glass of wine?
  40. My mom told me not to talk to strangers online, but I’ll make an exception for you.
  41. You sound busy…any chance of adding me to your to-do list?
  42. So I’ve been trying to come up with a good psychology pickup line for you, but I’m aFreud I couldn’t come up with any.
  43. Truth or dare?
  44. You look like you love a good adventure! What’s one of the best ones you’ve had so far?
  45. So, are you the kind I’d find climbing mountains and acing the diamond slopes, or chilling on the beach with a glass of wine?
  46. Favourite thing to do on a Friday night? a) cuddling and watching Netflix by the fireplace b) the hottest bar in town c) dinner party d) I’ll tell you over drinks?
  47. I would absolutely love to swap bodily fluids with you.
  48. Hey, I’m writing an article on the finer things in life and I was hoping I could interview you.
  49. If you could have any famous artist (dead or alive) paint your portrait, who would it be?
  50. Life without you would be like a broken pencil… pointless
  51. You’re on a beach vacation when it starts raining, what do you do? a) hide under the covers with Netflix b) go to a museum c) attend a cooking workshop to learn how to make the local cuisine
  52. I’m new in town. Could you give me directions to your apartment?
  53. Pick a historical era, and I’ll try to come up with a pick up line related to that era.
  54. Do you have a job? I need a woman who can support me while I play video games all day.
  55. I usually go for 8’s but I guess I’ll settle for a 10.
  56. Damn, you’re a knockout. Was your father a boxer, or did you just get lucky with the gene pool? I bet you a cocktail your personality is even better than your looks too!
  57. Tell me, what can I say to impress you?
  58. Do you have a personality as intriguing as your eyes?
  59. Cheesy chat-up line, gif war or blind date?
  60. Drinks or coffee this week?
  61. They say Tinder is a numbers game… so can I get your number?
  62. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should we match again?
  63. If you were a dessert, what would you be?
  64. Rose’s are red. You’re cute as a duck. Let’s go on a date. And then we can cuddle.
  65. I don’t normally contact people on this, but I find you very intriguing.
  66. I’d say you’re as beautiful as a Greek goddess, but what I can remember from history class, they were all pretty crazy
  67. If you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber.
  68. Your profile made me stop in my tracks.
  69. Sunday mornings are for a) cuddles in bed b) champagne breakfast c) as many pancakes as you can eat
  70. Congratulations. You matched with the nerdiest (or any other self-deprecating adjective) guy on Tinder. To celebrate you’re awarded a drink at your bar of choice
  71. Forget hydrogen. You should be the number one element!
  72. Two truths and a lie! Go!
  73. You’re seriously cute, but here’s the dealbreaker: do you, or do you not eat marmite?
  74. Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?
Two women friends laughing while looking at a smart phone outdoors
To Be on Tinder | Image: Antonio Guillem Fernández

Over the years, the significance of a good Tinder pick up line has swelled, but nowadays, it’s more important than ever. With lockdown restrictions still keeping us indoors and away from the usual haunts we tend to find ourselves in, more and more people are jumping online looking for love. Tinder use has exploded in popularity over the past six months adding fresh new users to the mix on the daily. While that may sound like a good thing, it also means you’ve got a bunch more competitors out there vying for your Superlike’s attention. You need to stand out from the crowd, show a little personality and come across witty, clever and somewhat aloof. In the modern dating game, a simple ‘hey’ just doesn’t cut it anymore, but let’s face it, was that really working for you anyway? There’s a fine line between the best Tinder pick up line and something that might land you in hot water, so it pays to do your research and put together a flawless opening. There’s a lot to consider, but we’ve got the advice to help up your game and hopefully improve your dating life.

Things to Consider Before Hitting Send

Whether you are an experienced Tinder pick up artist, or this is your first foray into the swipe life, it’s always a good idea to brush up on your skills. Start first by assessing your own personality and asking yourself the question; what kind of Tinder guy am I? Are you funny? Witty? Thirsty? Whatever you are, you have to own it and this will help you formulate the best Tinder opener for you. Here’s what you need to consider when creating good pick up lines on Tinder.

Personalise Each Pick-Up Line

Don’t just copy and paste the same funny Tinder pick up line to 50 different girls. You aren’t a telemarketer, you’re better than that. What’s more, they deserve better. Think about crafting a unique pick up line that plays off something you notice or admire in her, that only someone who has paid attention to her profile will know. This way when she reads it, she knows she’s copping a great pick up line created solely for her. It’s about making a match feel special.

Depth Not Width

This probably isn’t what you think it is, but it relates to your target audience. When it comes to the best Tinder pick up lines, it pays to think of your words as a sniper not a shotgun. Rather than focusing on targeting as many girls as possible, you should fixate your attention on quality over quantity, going for the best possible girl for you. Don’t just swipe and message blindly.

Consider Your Audience

Don’t fire off Tinder pick up lines about steak if your match is a vegan. Tailor your introduction to suit your audience, Remember the best way to make a lasting impression is to nail the first one. A simple piece of advice is to read her bio. It sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many guys fail to take the easy option.

What It’s Like to Be a Girl on Tinder

It goes without saying, but you should really know where and when to draw the line. Don’t push something that isn’t there. Instead, think about what it would be like to be a girl on Tinder. No doubt your Superlike cops a barrage of messages every hour, so rather than shooting off a cheesy pick up line and waiting for the kudos to roll in, your pick up line should grab her attention. What’s more, if she doesn’t respond, don’t take it to heart and definitely don’t reply. Sending two messages back to back reeks of desperation and comes across more than a little creepy. Hedge your bets and move on, remember it’s all about respect.

Styles of Pick-Up Lines

Like we said, it pays to do your intra-personal research. Once you’ve worked out the type of personality that best suits you, you’ll be better placed to launch into the best Tinder pick up lines. Here’s the three most common Tinder openers;

  • Cheesy pick up lines – We’re talking dad jokes, puns, knock-knocks; all the old classics. Some of these are pretty cringe-worthy, but you never know, some ladies love corny pick up lines.
  • Funny Tinder pick up lines – Easier said than done, but you just can’t beat a funny pick up line. The key is misdirection. Make your match feel like you’re going one way and then spring back the other. Classic comedy always works.
  • Good pick up lines – Suave, smooth and sophisticated, these pick up lines cut right to the chase. Think of them as something 007 might tell a Bond girl, but be warned; stuff it up and you’ll never recover.

General FAQs

What lines to use to pick up a girl on tinder?

The best pick-up lines for Tinder are the ones specialised to the girl you are talking to. Don’t throw out a generic intro, think about her name, interests and personality.

What should I say on tinder?

A big question you need to ask yourself before you begin your Tinder journey is what kind of Tinder guy am I going to be? Do you plan on being funny, smart, sensitive or aloof? Whatever you choose, remember to be personable and stay true to who you are. What you say should come naturally.

What should a guy put in his tinder bio?

The keys to a good Tinder bio are multi-faceted. Firstly, stick to 500 characters or less, this is an opportunity to say more with less. Next, throw some humour in, be honest and include your height. Apparently, that matters.

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