Netflix has unveiled the first trailer for its longest-awaited action blockbuster, Red Notice. For months, fans have been waiting to catch a glimpse of the USD$150 million thriller which pits megastars Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson against Ryan Reynolds and Gal Gadot in an all-out battle over who is the most charismatic face in Hollywood. We’re talking big stars, big explosions and the biggest tuxedo we’ve ever seen.
In the new Netflix heist film, Johnson plays the FBI’s top agent, renowned for his prowess in catching the most decorated of criminals. In a bizarre twist of fate, however, he’s forced to team up with the world’s greatest thief, played by Ryan Reynolds, to track down the ever-elusive criminal, Gal Gadot. While it may sound like a straight-up action-comedy, you can’t deny the star-power, both in front and behind the camera. It comes from writer/director Rawson Marshall Thurber, best known for movies like Central Intelligence and We’re The Millers.
According to Netlix, the high-flying adventure that ensues takes the trio around the world, across the dance floor, trapped in a secluded prison, into the jungle and, worst of all for them, constantly into each other’s company. Described as a ‘stylish globe-trotting game of cat and mouse’, Red Notice looks to be a winner, particularly off the back of Reynolds’ surprise stunner Free Guy.
The first Red Notice trailer delivers pretty much everything you’d expect from Johnson and Reynolds, however, it’s Gadot that steals the show. Her performance as Wonder Woman, while impressive, didn’t exactly spark confidence in her comedy skills, but it appears Netflix has cast brilliantly, and thankfully so. With back-end box office deals, stars like Reynolds and Johnson are expected to take home close to USD$80 million.
Red Notice is expected to premiere on Netflix on November 12.