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Eddie Hall Mountain Fight

Game of Thrones’ ‘The Mountain’ Set To Fight Eddie Hall

This might not be the best fight news of all time, but it most certainly is the biggest. Hafthor Bjornsson, the Icelandic strongman famous for playing The Mountain on Game of Thrones has thrown down the gauntlet to former World’s Strongest Man Eddie Hall, demanding the pair go one-on-one in the boxing ring.

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Eddie Hall Mountain Fight 1

The news comes after Bjornsson broke Hall’s deadlift world-record, smashing out an enormous 501kg lift. Immediately after the feat, Bjornsson called-out Hall saying “CoreSports just offered me a seven-year contract, I have signed it already. Eddie Hall has been running his mouth now for weeks and I know he has been given the same contract. So Eddie, I just knocked out your record. And now I’m ready to knock you out in the ring. It’s time to put your fist where your big mouth is, and sign the CoreSports contract. I’m ready, are you ready?”

Well fight fans, apparently he is. Hall has responded to the call-out in a Facebook video promising that not only would he sign the contract, but that he would knock Bjornsson “the f*ck out”. “1000% I’m going to sign those papers,” said the Englishman. “It’s not the money, it’s not the dead lift feud we’ve got going on, nothing to do with that. It’s because you called me a cheat at World’s Strongest Man 2017. I can’t put that to bed, I can’t forget it. I cannot have that, that’s why I’m going to sign those papers. Because I want to teach you a lesson. and that lesson is going to be me knocking you the f— out.”

It’s going to be an interesting battle between the two strongest men in the world. Hall is 6’3 and 164kg, where Bjornsson is 6’9 and nearly 200kg, pushing them both into the Super-Heavyweight division. Hall seemingly isn’t afraid of the height and weight disadvantage though.

“I don’t care if you’re 6 feet 9 inches, I don’t care if you’re an actual giant. I don’t care,” he said. “I’m gonna train the hardest, prepare the hardest, do everything in my power to step in that ring and rip your f–king head off.”

UPDATE: Hall vs Bjornsson: Result, Highlights, Decision