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How Your Sex Life Compares to the Average Australian

You may have a decent idea of how your sex life is going, but as the bible says, what’s the point of having sex unless you can compare yourself to everyone else? Luckily there are always researchers on hand to let you know the details of how everyone else is doing it, and the latest study is here to illuminate us all.

Average Australian Sexual Stats

  • 8% of Australians have sex most days, while 19% do it around once a week.
  • The average Australian has had 10 sexual partners.
  • 58% of people wish their partner would initiate sex more frequently.
  • 42% of people either want their partner to stop initiating sex so much or believe their partner initiates sex the right amount.
  • People desire more laughter in the bedroom.

The survey, carried out for body+soulmates magazine, has dropped some serious bombshells. Like, for example, the fact that eight percent of Australians have sex most days, and 19 percent do it around once a week. No doubt you’re shocked at how frequent/how infrequent that is. Also, the average Australian – whoever that may be – has had ten sexual partners, which you’ll agree is either a hell of a lot or hardly any or about right probably.

One of the study’s big findings is that 58 percent of people would like their partner to initiate sex more frequently. Which means 42 percent of people either wish their partner would stop initiating sex so much, or think their partner initiates sex exactly the right amount, which sounds pretty far-fetched. Sexologist Jacqueline Hellyer says, “It’s so nice to feel desired and wanted by your partner, so if you’re the one who’s always initiating, you never get to experience that”. So in the end the survey is telling us a timeless truth: we want to be wanted.

It also revealed that people want more laughter in the bedroom. Frankly, we reckon we’ve got that covered.

General FAQ

Whats the average number of sexual partners in Australia?

According to the survey carried out by body+soulmates Magazine, the average Australian has had 10 sexual partners.

How much sex is normal Australia?

According to the survey by body+soulmates Magazine, 8% of Australiansd have sex most days and 19% do it around once a week.