The Rock Black Adam Workout

The Rock’s Insane ‘Black Adam’ Workout Puts Us All to Shame

Nick Hall
By Nick Hall - News

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Readtime: 3 min

When it was announced earlier this week that Dwayne Johnson’s long-anticipated superhero film Black Adam had finally started filming, the internet went into a stir. Fans were unsure if the interrupted schedule had impacted the film’s quality, however, one thing we definitely don’t need to worry about is whether Johnson will look the part. Already a sheer behemoth, The Rock has shared an early preview of his training regime and it’s all shoulders, baby.

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In a video posted to his 224 million Instagram followers, Johnson showed off some of the exercises he’s added to his Black Adam workout. The clips detail how he has been incorporating volume to his shoulders and legs, the latter of which he reveals is the toughest part of the training regime.

“This particular workout for shoulders is designed to maximise the blood volume right out of the gate,” Johnson says. “And also make sure that the rep range is still in a place where we’re still fine-tuning all the etching and all the detail of the muscle, keeping its hardness, but also making that with the strict diet we’re keeping its fullness.”

“I know you’ve been waiting for this one so here’s an idea of the flow, and keep in mind my pre-workout, warm-up and stretching is a lot longer (20-30min) since training legs requires ALL YA GOT!” he wrote. “These are giant sets, so mentally prepare yourself.”

According to The Rock himself, here is what you need to add to your regime if you want Black Adam-sized legs.

  • Leg extensions/Leg curls
  • Compound pressing movement
  • Chain Lunges
  • Shark pit squats
  • Barbell squats

How many reps, you ask? Well, according to Dwayne Johnson, a lot. “Multiple rounds of these Giant Sets. These are a real bitch so get your mind right and push yourself/ Then I’ll finish off with hamstrings and calves,” he wrote. “It’s a lot of hard work (especially balancing everything else life throws our way) but I really enjoy the challenge of new goals.”

With Black Adam filming officially underway, you can bet we’re about to see The Rock drop a whole heap of new workout videos. If they’re anything like this one, we might be about to see Johnson achieve his final form. Cheat meal incoming.

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Nick Hall


Nick Hall

Nick Hall is an award-winning journalist and the current Editor-in-Chief of Man of Many. With an extensive background in the media industry, he specialises in feature writing, lifestyle and entertainment content. Nick is a former Mumbrella Publish Awards ‘Editor of ...