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Grid Studio Framed Smartphones 3gs

Grid Studio Turns Your Old iPhone 3 into a Work of Modern Art

So what do you do with those old cell phones that you no longer use? Maybe there’s a box hidden away in your garage or a drawer that is fit to burst with the old tech. Hopefully, you’re not just tossing it in the bin for it to end up in a landfill somewhere. If any of these options sound familiar, Grid Studio has a different idea of what could be done with that old phone.

Similar to the shadow boxes used by entomologists to show off their collections of insects, Grid Studio is offering a way to display smartphones that is attractive and simple. The Grid Studio Framed Smartphones frames up classic phones from iPhones to Nokias, and even the old school BlackBerry.

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Grid Studio Framed Smartphones nokia

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Grid Studio doesn’t just slap a frame around the phone, though. They have a much more artistic approach to the presentation. For the Framed Smartphones, Grid Studio actually breaks the phones down into their technical specification level setups, laying out all the individual parts for display.

You’ll see all the circuit boards, wires, screens, cases, batteries and more. Each component is carefully laid out and then labeled to identify what it is. The entire project is completely handmade, including the wood frames.

Grid Studio Framed Smartphones blackberry

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If you’re interested in getting a Framed Smartphone for your home or office décor, you can either try to smash open that phone and lay it out in a pleasing presentation, or you can let Grid Studio do it for you. The latter choice will result in you having a piece of art that you’ll be proud to display.

Plus, you’ll have a much more affordable result, with Grid Studio’s Framed Smartphones starting out at USD$129 and going up to USD$169 (for the 3GS). Or you can request a custom project, if you have the right story, as in the example of the custom iPhone Camera portrait.

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Grid Studio Framed Smartphones ipod touch

Grid Studio Framed Smartphones iphone 4s

Grid Studio Framed Smartphones iphone 5

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