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Anthony Bourdain’s Secret Reddit Account Uncovered

Nick Hall
By Nick Hall - News

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Readtime: 3 min

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As far as celebrity deaths go, Anthony Bourdain’s tragic passing in 2018 ranks among the most devastating. The iconic chef turned television personality had the kind of raw vulnerability and righteousness that transcended traditional media. Whether it was exploring the world’s inner-most foodie hangouts in Parts Unknown or using his platform to draw attention to the marginalised, the beloved vagabond was unapologetic in his pursuit for a better tomorrow. Such is Bourdain’s legacy that even three years after his death, we’re still finding out more about his incredible life. Like, for instance, he had a secret Reddit account littered with characteristically eloquent insults.

Anthony bourdain documentary trailer

A new piece by Rolling Stone author Alexander Darwin has revealed that Reddit account NooYawkCity actually belonged to the late chef. Described as a ’58-year-old white-belt’ in reference to his passion for Brazilian jiu-jitsu, NooYawkCity‘s account provides a raw, unfiltered look at one of television most colourful personalities.

While Bourdain never outright confirmed his identity, several Redditers came to recognise the user’s signature rambling diction and articulate turn of phrase. In particular, his knack for getting insults just right.

“(Steven) Seagal is a ‘deadly mofo’ if you get between him and the all you can eat pasta bar,” Bourdain wrote about the ageing action star. “The hair is definitely dead though. A wad of that Dynell weave comes undone during a fight with Lightning Chunks of Death and you could choke.”

Sure, his humourous quips are undeniably hilarious, after all sh*tting on Steven Seagal is like shooting fish in a barrel, Bourdain’s account also shined a light on the more serious side of his personality. When a fellow user suggested an abhorrent reality show concept that involved ex-addict celebrities given drugs to relapse on, Bourdain took offence. The chef, who notoriously battled a drug habit in his younger days, slammed the user for being insensitive, in his own unique way.

“You are a terrible human being,” he wrote. “You richly deserve to lose sphincter control and seep slowly, steadily and fragrantly into your My Little Pony undies for the rest of your life.”

Anthony bourdain reddit
Image: Rolling Stone

For Bourdain fans, the unearthing of his secret Reddit account gives a rare unfiltered glimpse at the inner workings of his mind. His admission that Brazilian jujitsu had become an obsession, overtaking his other former loves: drinking and smoking cigarettes, was a revealing nod to growth.

“Drug free but a drinker until I started BJJ — at which point the inevitability of getting smashed every day made alcohol a much less attractive option and cigarettes out of the question,” he wrote. “Frankly, BJJ as an addiction has in many ways replaced my previous ones.”

As Darwin explains in the piece, the Reddit account embodies “the truest Anthony Bourdain, writing simply for the sake of it, unburdened by his reputation”. It’s hard to argue against that, especially considering his larger than life personality continues to both surprise and delight, even years after his death. You can check out all posts and comments from NooYorkCity via the link below.

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Nick Hall


Nick Hall

Nick Hall is an award-winning journalist and the current Editor-in-Chief of Man of Many. With an extensive background in the media industry, he specialises in feature writing, lifestyle and entertainment content. Nick is a former Mumbrella Publish Awards ‘Editor of ...