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What is the Largest Average Penis Size? A Study Ranks 86 Countries

Sam Mangioni
By Sam Mangioni - News

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Readtime: 8 min

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Navigating the landscape of sexual and dating health, a recent comprehensive study conducted by the online pharmacy From Mars has used Google data to determine average penis size across 86 nations. The results? Ecuador takes the top spot, putting to rest some of the most common myths surrounding size and nationality. While factors like crime and violence are often cited in travel advisories, this unique ranking might give some pause for thought. Meanwhile, Australia lands squarely in the middle, ranking 43rd, but takes solace in outpacing New Zealand. Rather than fueling stereotypes or insecurities, this study provides an insightful, data-backed perspective on a topic often shrouded in misconception.

Largest Average Penis Size in the World | Image: Scott Sanker
Largest Average Penis Size in the World | Image: Scott Sanker

What is the Average Penis Length?

While the data provided by From Mars is the most recent, another well-referenced scientific study by the British Journal of Urology, International states that the global average penis length is between 4.7 and 5.9 inches, when erect. Comforting? The preponderance of subjects (that is, 60% of all blokes tested who were above the lowest 20% and below the highest 20%, in terms of length), sat somewhere in this bracket. In terms of girth, the same measure of 60% as an average showed subject measure between 4.2 and 5 inches.

One of the reasons for the study in the first place was the sheer number of young men visiting doctors, complaining of a small willy when they were actually on or even above average (no doubt internet porn has helped create a – and I’m apologising for this pun in advance – fallacy when it comes to just how big a dick should be). These figures provide an accurate cross-section of the male population and show there’s a false dichotomy regarding the difference between a massive wang and a little pecker.

How Did They Measure?

An exclusion criterion was outlined to ensure a fair and balanced cross-section of men were used for the study. This excluded men with “samples of a congenital or acquired penile abnormality, previous surgery, complaint of small penis size or erectile dysfunction.” In short? If you’ve already paid for a larger love-lance (or tried to get one), had surgery on your sausage (other than circumcision), or have issues getting your tonsil tickler turgid, then you wouldn’t have made the cut (ouch).

Candidates dropped their dacks and were measured up by a raft of lucky science people (read: undergrads looking for extra credit, we’re guessing). Once the results were in, everything was graphed, to best show the differences between the varying vagina-miners, as well as the correlation between the length of a soft skin flute and a hard hot dog.

Read the study here

Average Penis Size in Australia

While we’re highlighting two particular data sets in this article, one particular study stands erect in Australia.

According to the study from From Mars, Australia has an average penis length of 14.46cm (5.69-inches) while our ANZAC brothers in New Zealand average just 13.99cm. However, both nations from Down Under did happen to conquer some friends up north. The United States came in 60th with an average of 13.58cm and the United Kingdom ranked 66th with an average of 13.13cm. Now, we aren’t political experts but Australia may have to start reconsidering its strategic alliances following this new information.

It must be noted that this study relied upon self-reported data to determine average penis sizes, which means some participants or nations could be a little generous with their measurements. Regardless, we aren’t thrilled about the possibility of a Bachelorette party in Latin America.

“Whether people are concerned about the size or the shape, or any other aspect for that matter, most of us have wondered at some point or another whether ours is big enough,” said Pharmacist Navin Khosla, who reviewed the poll for From Mars. “Penis size can have a massive impact on confidence and self-image,” he added.

Speaking of confidence, everyone check on their Ecuadorian friends and make sure their heads haven’t exploded. With an average length of 17.61cm, they reign supreme over the planet while Cameroon comes in second with an average of 16.67cm. Not far behind is Bolivia with an average of 16.51cm shortly followed by Sudan at 16.47cm. Rounding out the top 5, we head to the Caribbean country of Haiti which boasts a respectable 16.01cm on average.

How To Measure Your Penis Size

Here’s the method used by the scientists who ran the study, so you can plot yourself on the scale without wondering if there’s a secret to it.

  1. Grab a soft measuring tape (similar to below, like a tailor would use).
  2. Get an erection (if you need help, try these websites).
  3. Hold the end of the tape against your pubic bone, above your shaft.
  4. Measure to the tip, with the tape against the skin along the shaft (but not down over the head).
  5. Voila! The end of the tip is your length.
  6. You can check your girth by wrapping the same tape around your shaft at the base while erect.

Ready to see exactly how you stack up? Check out the full list provided in the poll below.

Average Global Penis Size From Mars
Image: From Mars

Does Penis Size Matter?

In short (heh), no. The reality is that either end of the spectrum (extreme ends) can lead to some pretty crappy sex, be it lacklustre or painful for your partner. A plethora of online articles asking women “what they really think” offer a pretty broad set of opinions, but let’s be honest, nobody is complaining about an average-sized penis, especially if you know what to do with it.

According to the study, Australia has an average penis length of 14.46cm while our ANZAC brothers in New Zealand average just 13.99cm. However, both nations from Down Under did happen to conquer some friends up north. The United States came in 60th with an average of 13.58cm and the United Kingdom ranked 66th with an average of 13.13cm. Now, we aren’t political experts but Australia may have to start reconsidering its strategic alliances following this new information.

It must be noted that the original study relied upon self-reported data to determine average penis sizes, which means some participants or nations could be a little generous with their measurements. Regardless, we aren’t thrilled about the possibility of a Bachelorette party in Latin America.

Upon concluding the study, Navin Khosla asks the question… does size really matter?

He said: “Ultimately, the answer is maybe, maybe not. The truth is, that the owner of the penis is far more likely to be worried about the size of their penis than their sexual partners are!”

Conclusions About the Average Penis Size

While we all ponder the hard truth about just how big a penis is supposed to be, the most comprehensive study in the world clearly demonstrates that the median size is far-reaching, with extremes only lying at the far ends of the spectrum. It also shows that the absolute majority of fellas are far from porn star material, but more than able to satisfy a woman, without inflicting pain or going unnoticed.

If you’re genuinely concerned then get in touch with your friendly neighbourhood urologist, but, most likely, sleep easy knowing that at the end of the day, it’s just a penis, and you’re not the first guy to question its size. When it comes to Average penis size, Australia stands up to the competition.

Average Penis Size FAQ

What is the average penis size?

According to some research, the average flaccid penis is 3.61 inches long and the average erect penis is 5.16 inches long.

What penis size do women prefer?

According to at least one study, a number of women preferred larger penises for one-time relationships, but not necessarily for long-term relationships. In fact, women may prefer a smaller or average penis size when looking for a long-term partner.

Can you increase penis size?

Despite a vast market of pills, pumps, and promises, virtually all penile enlargement methods are ineffective, temporary at best, or downright harmful. While men with a micropenis can undergo cosmetic surgery, that won't necessarily enlarge the size of the penis when erect.

Sam Mangioni

Journalist - Entertainment, Culture & Lifestyle

Sam Mangioni

Sam Mangioni is an experienced content producer and the current Entertainment, Culture & Lifestyle Journalist for Man of Many. With an extensive background in digital content production and news, Sam specialises in delivering timely, accurate and witty assessments of current ...