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Whether you love a tipple on the reg or seldom touch the naughty water, the different ways of saying drunk names are hilarious no matter how many drinks you’ve consumed. And while some are regional, and some certainly make more sense than others, they’re all a great time, and there’s never a bad excuse for learning a new word, even if it isn’t because you read Shakespeare’s sonnets.
We’ve trawled through the murkiest depths of the internet, spent many nights in bars and, when we thought we’d exhausted all avenues of research, asked around the office, to bring you the most extensive list of the different drunk alter ego names and other funny words for being drunk. Let’s get it started – here is our list of 110 Funny Drunk Names and Phrases.
- 2D2F
- Annihilated
- Anybody’s
- Battered
- Beery
- Befuddled
- Belligerent
- Bibulous
- Blackout Drunk
- Blind Drunk
- Blitzed
- Blotto
- Bombed
- Boozed Up
- Boozy
- Buzzed
- Canned
- Captain Courageous
- Cockeyed
- Crocked
- Cross-Eyed
- Crunk
- Cunted
- Drunk As A Lord
- Drunk As A Skunk
- Drunken
- Faded
- Feeling No Pain
- Flushed
- Flying
- Fuckeyed
- Gassed
- Given To Drink
- Goneski
- Gonski 2.0
- Hammered
- Hasselhoffed
- Having A Jag On
- In One’s Cups
- Inebriated
- Intoxicated
- Jaggered
- Leathered
- Legless
- Liquored
- Lit
- Lit Up
- Loaded
- Looped
- Loose
- Maggot
- Maudlin Beery
- Mel Gibsoned
- Mellow
- Mortal
- Muddled
- Munted
- Out Cold
- Out Of It
- Overcome
- Pickled
- Pissed
- Plastered
- Plonked
- Plowed
- Poached
- Poleaxed
- Polluted
- Ratshit
- Rebecca Blackout
- Ridrinkulous
- Rugby League Drunk
- Sauced
- Schnockered
- Seeing Double
- Señor Ridiculoso
- Sewed Up
- Shitfaced
- Slizzard
- Sloppy
- Sloshed
- Smashed
- Sottish
- Soused
- Sozzled
- Speaking Russian Drunk
- Squiffy
- Staggersaurus
- Steaming
- Stewed
- Stonked
- Tanked
- Three Sheets To The Wind
- Tight
- Tipsy
- Totally Denised
- Trolleyed
- Turned Up
- Turnt
- Under The Influence
- Under The Table
- Wankered
- Wasted
- White Girl Wasted
- Wired
- Wobbly
- Woke Up With A New Tattoo
- Zazzle-Zazzle Zoozahed
- Faced (short for s— faced).
- Half In The Bag
Think we missed one (or more)? Let us know!
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