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Working from home memes 1

40+ Funny Working From Home Memes (WFH)

Remember when working from home used to be a treat? Nowadays, it’s all lockdowns and Zoom meetings, awkwardly talking over one another and constantly reminding Carol that she’s still on mute. But while the remote office has lost a bit of its shine in light of the global pandemic, it has given us a wealth of new comedy content. Every day when we log in to our social media accounts and pretend we’re doing our job, we’re treated to a new collection of Working From Home memes. And they’re getting good. Like the Spicy Cough itself, the best WFH memes are evolving, mutating and developing new arms to reach deep inside us and rustle up some joy.

Work from home meme pencil

Types of WFH Memes

Let’s face it, just because remote work has become the norm, doesn’t mean it’s the preferred option for everyone. In fact, if you’re an extravert, the slow at-home grind may be slowly robbing you of your sparkle, but there is hope. Through the power of humour, we’ve been able to keep our outlook positive, but the mask of sanity is slipping. As we get further into lockdown and there appears to be no end in sight to the remote working arrangement, WFH memes have gotten darker and more deranged. No longer just about Netflix and chill, these memes are a window into our new reality. Lord help us.

  • Zoom Meeting Memes – We’ve all been there. While we assumed working from home would reveal which meetings really could have been emails, apparently, that hasn’t stopped our managers from hosting pointless video chats.
  • Drinking Memes – You’re at home, why not? Turns out, cracking a mid-afternoon bottle is the perfect cure to 3:30-itis.
  • Distraction Memes – Hard to concentrate? No kidding, with the TV, partner, cat, Netflix and PlayStation all at arm’s length, you’d be forgiven for forgetting you’re still on the clock.

Best Working From Home Memes

Ante up, the best WFH memes are here. if you are looking for a bit of daily inspiration and the hope of restoring a little humour to your mundane existence, get the ball rolling with these pics. Here is a list of the best working from home memes to keep you smiling.

Work from home meme stress
Work from home meme clothes
Work from home meme virtual backgrounds
Work from home meme casual friday
Work from home meme unproductive
Work from home meme getting things done
Work from home meme juding
Work from home meme work call
Work from home meme work pain
Work from home meme pilot
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General FAQ

What is the highest paying work from home job?

There are many high paying work from home job such as a Tutor, Insurance agent, Sales representative, Technical writer, Freelance marketing consultant, Programmer, Affiliate marketing manager, or Web developer.

How much can you claim working from home?

You can claim up to 52 cents per hour you work from home. In addition, you can also claim the work-related portion of your phone, internet, computer depreciation and other expenses.